Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, I haven't really written in a while. Things are going fine, but I"ve been struggling with general fatigue.  These last few weeks are really packed. Last week was holy week of course, so I had to help out/be at church a lot. This week I have BPO rehearsals, teaching, Juries at school, and a lesson (along with Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra to learn before Friday). Next week is a full  BPO week (4 rehearsals and 3 concerts) and then after the sunday concert I drive to Logan and jump on a plane for KC.  PLUS I have to prep for it throughout this schedule.  I"m trying to balance everything but getting enough sleep is sometimes hard. I did order my new mac, and I'm excited that is coming so that I can have a computer that doesn't crash all the time. Also, my baby Brack case FINALLY got here, so I have a waterproof case again. I am very happy with it! 

Ok, time for bed. Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be able to get at least 5 hours or so of practicing in before I teach in the afternoon!

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